I started blacksmithing in 1992 to make my own tools for homesteading. Since then I have taken detours through architectural ironwork, early American door hardware, and other realms of the craft. I have demonstrated to blacksmithing associations from the Pacific to the Atlantic and occasionally teach at folk schools. I am now focused on making tools - mostly for woodworking, basketry and cooking.
When I am not at the forge, I have a habit of wandering the woods and enjoy making things for everyday life, like baskets, bowls and chicken soup.

April 24-28, Tool Making For Woodworkers
Maine Coast Craft School, Bristol, ME
May 11-12, Introduction to Foraging
Harris Center, Hancock, NH
May 25-26 Open Studio Weekend
At my workshop, Hardwick VT
June 28-30, Shrink Pots & Plant ID for Crafters
Sloyd Skills Gathering, Stannard, VT
I also co-teach the Naturalist and Foraging Apprenticeships at the Fox Paw School.